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Everything You Need. Nothing You Don’t.

Technology can be confusing and can sometimes seem to slow down success.  While it’s a necessary part of our world today, it’s not the solution.  It’s just a tool… and you don’t need another tool.

Unlike other Apps out there that focus on providing functions and features, Fast Growth uses the most innovative and cutting edge software to provide a system that drives behavior. Fast Growth identifies and directs the correct activity in your organization, while creating accountability, community and results.  This may sound like a mouth full, but we promise you have never seen a more comprehensive yet intuitive App.  Simply put, this App is built for action. 


Your contacts are gold. Our App treats them that way. You begin by making your list and import contacts into your App. They are then organized for you, automatically moved to various prospecting stages as both you and they take action. Sort the curious from the serious and never lose track of a lead again.


Network Marketing is all about building a community. This is why our app comes with a communication hub where you can push messages and notifications to you team, including daily recognition, event updates, motivation, coaching and more. Your team can interact in the hub and feel good that they are a part of a winning team.


Social media posts, teaser videos, text and email drips and the perfect prospecting scripts, we integration all the promo you need to create curiosity and generate interest in one place. With the click of a button, you can share on social media, invite to events and create a buzz about your business.


Go ahead, go to the park, take a nap, hit up the gym, or move on to your next income producing activity while you lead navigates down a journey of exposures through a well-architected sales funnel. This means all the information they need and want is right at their finger tips, on demand. Work with our team to co-create the perfect path for your prospects, meeting them at their awareness level and gently moving them to a YES!


Our tracking is kinda like spying on your lead. Every click and video video is tracked, but we don’t stop there. Our tracking system ranks your prospect based on a proprietary algorithm providing you the insight into who you should be following up with, when to follow up, and with what information to provide them. You can also see which pages and videos get the most views so you can be sure to continuously provide your team with the most effective tools.


Our dynamic task tracker is a game-changer in the industry! Through innovative algorithms and real time tracking, our App identifies the next step for each lead and populates these actions into a TO DO list that is organized into daily actions. Never lose track of a lead again! You can also upload your own tasks and import an action plan of IPAs (income producing activities) that drive and track the action of your team.


Our robust training section is populated with scripts, training videos, downloadable guides, quizzes, strategy session outlines and more. So much more than just another video vault, our training solution positions you as the mentor your team is looking for and puts all the training they need in the palm of their hand.


You can lead a horse to the water, but you can’t make it drink. We get that. This is why we built in advanced A.I accountability functionality that blows anything else you have seen out of the water. You can know what your team is doing and guide them towards exactly what they need to build their skills or increase their activity.



So you would like to learn more about the Fast Growth App? Great. You are in the right place!
We collaborate with select clients (both corporate and in the field) to craft duplicatable recruiting and sales systems that are build for high engagement, accountability and results. Complete the form below to find out if we are a good fit. We look forward to meeting with you soon.

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